Carbon Plan Public Comment

Dear North Carolina Utilities Commission,

The North Carolina Utilities Commission should ensure the carbon plan it adopts hits the target deadline of 70% reduction by 2030. Currently, three of the four pathways in Duke Energy's proposed plan would fail to do so.

The commission should only consider plans that meet the state's reduction targets and can ensure that plans will do that by prioritizing these five things:

1) No new gas (including "natural" gas)
2) Join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI)
3) Go big on investments in solar and protect net metering
4) Speed up the timeline for offshore wind investments
5) And avoid the regrettable substitution of nuclear power

Ultimately it is within the power of your commission to decide how we best move towards a clean energy future. A healthier, safer future is possible, but only if we move fast. That is why it is essential the commission only consider adopting plans that meet the 2030 target and consider these proposed actions to ensure we do so.
